Obama Calls for Boosting the Middle Class

U.S. President Barack Obama is using his weekly address to promote a better bargain for the middle class.

Saturday, Obama called on Americans to make sure everyone who works hard has a chance to get ahead in the 21st century economy.

Obama said more than 7 million new jobs have been created in the past 40 months. He said deficits are shrinking and that the rise in health care costs is slowing. He also pointed to what he said were recent improvements in the U.S. auto industry and housing market.

The president said that over the next several weeks, he will lay out his ideas in cities and town across the country.

He also rejected proposals to repeal Obamacare, default on bills the country has already racked up and shut down the government, referring to Republican pledges to hold the line on raising the national debt ceiling.

Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor responded to the president's message by saying that Republicans would tackle the country's problems by cracking down on government fraud, waste, abuse and intrusiveness.

He added that new proposed legislation would require Congress to approve any new regulations proposed by unelected bureaucrats and remove the Internal Revenue Service from having anything to do with health care.

Obamacare requires the IRS to enforce all regulations in the president's Affordable Care Act.