Obama: 'Narrow' Window for Immigration Reform This Year

President Barack Obama walks over to shake hands with people after speaking at a meeting of law enforcement leaders from across the country about immigration reform, in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building on the White House in Washington, May 13, 201

U.S. President Barack Obama says there is a two-to-three month window to get immigration reform passed in the House of Representatives.

Addressing law enforcement leaders Tuesday, Obama said the closer the country gets to the November Congressional elections, "the harder it is to get things done."

The president reiterated he is willing to compromise on a bipartisan bill the Senate passed last year. He said certain core principles must be included, though, including a pathway to citizenship for the estimated 11 million people in the United States illegally.

The president said he thinks Speaker John Boehner and other House leaders believe immigration reform is the right thing, but he said a handful of Boehner's fellow Republicans in the House are blocking it.