Obama Urges Congress to Act on Economy

U.S. President Barack Obama is criticizing Republicans in Congress as he takes his re-election campaign to the battleground state of Wisconsin Saturday.

In his Saturday weekly address, President Obama slammed lawmakers for leaving town to campaign for re-election without taking action on proposals to create jobs, boost the economy and strengthen the middle class.

Obama accused lawmakers of being “more worried about their jobs and their paychecks” than those of the American people.

He directed his criticism at the Republican-dominated House of Representatives, which he said failed to seize opportunities to help veterans, farmers, homeowners and small business owners. He called on lawmakers to take action on the bills when they return to work after the November 6 elections.

President Obama is holding several campaign events Saturday in Wisconsin, one of the so-called swing states expected to decide the residential race.

Obama's Republican challenger Mitt Romney, meanwhile, is in California, where he has spent time fundraising but does not have any public events scheduled Saturday.

On Friday, the two candidates campaigned in two other key battleground states, with the president holding a rally in Virginia and Romney heading to Nevada.

Public opinion polls show Obama leading Romney in Virginia, Wisconsin and most of the other swing states. The closely-fought battleground states are important because U.S. presidential elections are essentially a collection of state-by-state contests, with each state's influence on the outcome weighted roughly by the size of its population.

In this week's Republican address, Senator Jeff Sessions of the southern state of Alabama - a ranking member on the Budget Committee - accused Senate Democrats of recessing before delivering a balanced budget plan.

He also criticized the president's economic policies as flawed, saying the Obama administration is misrepresenting its budget plan as reducing the debt and helping to revive the economy.