Opponent of Japanese-Americans' WWII Treatment to Be Honored

Laurie Yasui picks up photos of her father Minoru Yasui during an interview at her daughters home in Kansas City, Mo., Friday, Nov. 20, 2015.

Relatives of a civil rights attorney being honored posthumously with a Presidential Medal of Freedom for challenging treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II are alarmed by recent opposition to Syrian refugees resettling in the U.S.

Sixty-four-year-old Laurie Yasui, of Kansas City, said her father, Minoru Yasui, would be "stomping his feet and shaking his fist" at the political response to the Paris attacks. She and other relatives will be at the White House on Tuesday when her father and 16 others are honored with the nation's highest civilian award.

More than half of U.S. governors have said they want to halt resettlement of Syrian refugees.

His granddaughter, 31-year-old Chani Hawkins, says the nation is again at a crossroads where "fear and hysteria" are influencing decisions.