Pete and Repeat are on a Boat...and Other Adventures in American Culture

Before summer vacation started, a bunch of our bloggers got together (via Skype) to chat about how their experiences over the past school year - the ups and downs, challenges and victories, and what they learned.

We had some fantastic conversations, even digging into a few topics we hadn't really covered in the blog posts - AND they agreed to let me record the Skype call so you all could listen in.

Our first of two phone calls is below (with links to download if you'd rather do that). I am SO excited to share this with you!

Conversation #1: Pete and Repeat are on a Boat

Or download the mp3.

In this first conversation, Nareg, Alex, Jaime and I talk about integrating into American society, including a hysterical discussion about jokes that define cultures and jokes that cross cultures. "Resident sociologist" Nareg also talked about America's relative wealth and why that means many people have silly problems, and Alex discussed being an African among African-Americans.

Plus, Sebastian popped in late in the discussion to answer questions about how he got his financial aid package to KU, and how he turned around a quiet first semester to blossom into a social butterfly.

P.S. On the topic of silly American problems, I came across this funny video by an American kid who pokes fun at exactly this issue - the types of "problems" people have in a relatively wealthy society, jokingly referred to as "first world problems" by Americans who understand they are lucky to have them:

Also make sure to check out our second conversation...