Pink Diamond Expected to Sell for More than $60 Million

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Pink Diamond Expected to Sell for More than $60 Million

The world's most expensive diamond has gone on display in London ahead of an auction next month. It is expected to sell for more than $60 million.

The 59.6 carat Pink Star is by far the largest diamond of its kind ever found. The oval-cut stone, the largest internally flawless fancy vivid pink diamond ever graded, will be sold by Sotheby’s in Geneva on November 13.

David Bennett, Chairman of Sotheby's jewelry division in Europe and the Middle East said the diamond is "off the scale" in terms of rarity.

"Well pink diamonds, as you probably know, are extremely rare. They're amongst the rarest of all diamonds, and to have one like this, 59.6 carats, which has been graded as vivid yellow, the highest possible color rating for a pink diamond, is off the scale of rare," said Bennett.

The sale of the Pink Star will follow a Sotheby’s auction in Hong Kong in October containing a white diamond and a blue diamond valued at more than $28 million and $19 million each.