Quick Links: New York Colleges Ban Smoking, Study Says Colleges Failing Students

1) EducationUSA has been running a series of online sessions about researching your choices for studying in the U.S. They've got them all archived in a handy online player on their website:

2) If you're a smoker, your college options just dwindled. City University of New York, a network of 23 colleges, has banned smoking on campus:

They join over 450 other U.S. schools (as listed by the American Non-Smokers' Rights Foundation):
http://www.no-smoke.org/pdf/smokefreecollegesuniversities.pdf (PDF)

3) A new study says students at U.S. universities are no smarter after two years than they were when they started. Students say the study doesn't take into account gains in social and life skills:

4) An op-ed in the Financial Times observes the behavior of Japanese and Chinese MBA students in America, and argues it says something about how each country is faring on the global stage:
http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/20904748-2423-11e0-a89a-00144feab49a.html#axzz1C3lUKrdE (requires registration)

Bonus: We're now answering questions on Quora. Like this one: