Russian Billionaire Plans to Become Immortal by 2045

A Russian Tycoon plans to copy the contents of his brain into an artificial body and make himself immortal by 2045.

At a conference on global future, to be held Saturday and Sunday in New York, 32-year old Russian multi-millionaire Dmitry Itskov plans to unveil a sophisticated robotic replica of his own head, designed by robotics pioneer David Hanson.

Itskov is a founder of 2045 Project whose goal is to replace human bodies with so-called avatars, non-biological carriers loaded with information from human brains, extending human lives for thousands of years.

More than 20,000 people have already joined the project on Facebook to follow the developments.

Itskov admits the task is enormous but believes it could be achieved by mid-century.

The artificial head will have 36 electrical motors in order to recreate as many human face expressions as possible. Itskov also plans to create a full artificial body which could behave as a human body.

Itskov's ideas have attracted the attention of scientists at Harvard University, MIT, UC Berkeley and other institutions.

Participants at the Global Future Congress are also expected to address social and ethical issues of immortality.

Among those expected are Google's Director of Engineering, famous inventor Ray Kurzweil, USC Professor Theodore Berger and Chairman of X Prize foundation, Peter Diamandis.