South African Miners to Join Strike Next Week

Civil servants on strike to protest for better salary increases take to the streets of Johannesburg, 19 Aug 2010

South African miners say they will join public service workers on strike for one day next week in a show of solidarity if the government refuses to increase pay.

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), South Africa's largest union, said Friday the action is planned for Thursday.

Thousands of South African public service workers marched in major cities this week-- as a civil servants strike entered its second week.

On Thursday, the country's main labor federation, COSATU, threatened to break its alliance with the ruling African National Congress. Unions are widely credited with helping to elect President Jacob Zuma.

A police union representing 145,000 officers announced plans to join strikers on Saturday, though a labor court has banned them from walking off the job because they perform essential services.

The public service workers unions are demanding an 8.6 percent pay increase and a higher housing allowance.

The government has said its final offer is 7 percent and an increase in housing allowance.

Some information for this report was provided by Reuters.