Hundreds Believed Killed in Sri Lanka Landslide

​A landslide in hilly south-central Sri Lanka has buried scores of homes, raising fears that hundreds of people may have been killed.

Sri Lanka, Haldummulla mudslide

In the chaos that followed the mudslide Wednesday, there was confusion about the number of dead and missing because government officials reported conflicting figures.

Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Amaraweera said more than 100 people had been killed; but the Disaster Management Center said 10 people were killed and at least 250 others were missing.

Heavy rains triggered the wave of mud that rushed into the village of Haldummulla, 192 kilometers from the capital Colombo, in the country's tea-producing region.

The government said at least 120 homes were destroyed. Media reports showed more muddy water gushing from the hilltops and indicated that more landslides could occur.

The monsoon season in Sri Lanka runs from October through December.