Study: Tropical Storms Migrating Away from Equator

An aerial view shows a collapsed bridge on the outskirts of Acapulco September 20, 2013.

A study published in the science journal Nature says tropical cyclones are reaching maximum intensity farther from the equator and closer to the poles.

Over the last 30 years, the peak of these powerful and destructive storms has migrated poleward at the rate of about 56 kilometers per decade.

The study released Wednesday says the drift means that regions that were once considered to be relatively cyclone-safe may become more exposed.

The trend may be linked to factors that have contributed to global climate change including human activities like the burning of fossils fuels.

The scientists documented the greatest migration in tropical cyclones in the northern and southern Pacific and south Indian Oceans. The migration was not as evident in the storms in the North Atlantic called hurricanes.