Suspected Muslim Rebels Kill 4 in Southern Thailand

Security personnel inspect the Kok Po district office after being attacked by a group of gunmen in Pattani province, south of Bangkok, Sept. 11, 2014.

Suspected Muslim rebels in southern Thailand have attacked a government office, killing at least four people and wounding several others.

Police in Pattani province say gunmen walked into a local government office Thursday and opened fire. As they were leaving, they planted two time bombs that went off minutes after the attackers made their escape. Three local officials were among the dead.

More than 5,000 people have been killed since an insurgency erupted 10 years ago in Thailand's three southernmost provinces, which are the only Muslim majority areas in an otherwise majority Buddhist nation.

Peace talks between the rebels and the government in Bangkok collapsed last year. Thailand's current military-led government says it is trying to restart the discussions.

Material for this report came from AP, AFP, and Reuters.