3-D Video Games Might be Good for Your Child

FILE - A man tries out Nintendo Co Ltd's 3DS portable game console near an advertisement for Sony's PlayStation 4 game console at an electronics retail store in Tokyo, May 7, 2014.

Just in time for Christmas: video games for children.

While they have been widely denounced by many social scientists, parents and educators as having little or no value, some in the field of psychology and cognitive science are starting to argue otherwise.

Scientists studying the effects of fast moving video games claim they may exercise the brain, like strength training, improving mental acuity and quickness in players that extends to other areas of life.

So-called first person shooter games require players to be on their guard and respond swiftly when confronted suddenly with an enemy target.

Now, video gaming has moved into the 3-D realm, which puts the player in a virtual world of mayhem.

According to a study published in The Journal of Neuroscience, researchers report that those who played three-dimensional video games performed better on demanding recognition tasks.

They strengthened the function of their hippocampus, a brain structure that’s associated with memory.

Participants of 3-D games performed better on memory tests than those who played simpler video games.

Investigators want to see whether video games improve the brain aging in older adults.