Ukraine Reports First Military Death of 2015

Ukrainian nationalists carry torches and a banner reading "Heroes do not die" during a rally in downtown Kyiv, Ukraine, Jan. 1, 2015.

Ukraine on Friday reported its first military death of 2015 in its conflict with pro-Russian separatists, saying a soldier had been killed and five others wounded in attacks by the rebels.

"In the past 24 hours one Ukrainian serviceman has been killed and another five have been injured because of provocative actions [by separatists]," military spokesman Andriy Lysenko told a news briefing.

More than 4,700 people were killed in 2014 in the conflict, which has provoked the worst crisis in relations between Russia and the West since the Cold War.

Lysenko gave no details of the circumstances of the attack that killed the soldier, but he said there had been frequent shelling and mortar attacks by separatists in areas of eastern Ukraine, including around the international airport in the big industrial city of Donetsk.

He said Ukrainian forces were in general abiding by the terms of a shaky ceasefire agreed in September and were only replying when they came under fire.

"In general, our servicemen are not giving in to provocations and are not opening fire," he said. There was no confirmation of the reported attacks by the separatists themselves.

Ukrainian authorities and separatists exchanged hundreds of prisoners of war last week as part of a 12-point plan to end the conflict. On the diplomatic front, Ukrainian President Petro
Poroshenko is preparing to meet Russia's Vladimir Putin and the leaders of France and Germany on Jan. 15 in Kazakhstan.

Poroshenko, who has acknowledged that Kyiv lacks the military means to take back lost territory by force, warned Ukrainians in a New Year's message on Thursday that they should be braced for a year that would "not be easy."

The crisis blew up after street protests in Kyiv overthrew a Moscow-backed president last February and a pro-Western leadership took over, committed to integrating the former Soviet republic into the European mainstream.

This set Kyiv and the Western governments backing it at variance with Russia, Ukraine's former Soviet overlord, which wants to keep Ukraine within its political and economic orbit.