Former British Diplomat Appointed UN Envoy to Yemen

A man inspects rubble after a Saudi-led coalition airstrike in Sanaa, Yemen, Feb. 4, 2018.

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has appointed a former British diplomat as special envoy to war-torn Yemen.

A U.N. spokesman announced the appointment of Martin Griffiths on Friday, saying he will replace Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed.

Ahmed had been in the post for three years. His contract expires at the end of the month.

Griffiths is the executive director of the European Institute of Peace and has served in multiple U.N. roles.

The U.N. spokesman says Griffiths brings “extensive experience in conflict resolution, negotiation, mediation and humanitarian affairs.”

Yemen’s war has killed more than 10,000 civilians since it began in March 2015. A Saudi-led coalition has been carrying out airstrikes against Iranian-allied rebels known as Houthis after they overran the capital and forced Yemen’s government into exile.