VOA Immigration Weekly Recap, May 4-11

FILE - Migrants sleep in a makeshift campsite as they wait to apply for asylum after crossing the border, May 10, 2023, near Jacumba, Calif. This image was part of an AP series on migration that won a Pulitzer Prize for feature photography.

Editor's note: Here is a look at immigration-related news around the U.S. this week. Questions? Tips? Comments? Email the VOA immigration team: ImmigrationUnit@voanews.com.

Biden proposal would target some migrants for quicker denial of asylum ((

President Joe Biden on Thursday proposed a new regulation to expedite the asylum claims process for specific migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border, but the plan drew objections from both immigrant advocates and administration critics. The order would target individuals with criminal backgrounds and those likely to be found ineligible for asylum for other reasons. VOA’s immigration reporter Aline Barros has more.

From immigration to citizenship: When is an immigrant allowed to vote in a U.S. election?

Can immigrants vote in U.S. elections? The answer is not until they become naturalized citizens. Naturalization is a lengthy process that begins with obtaining a green card, also known as a permanent resident card. VOA’s immigration reporter Aline Barros explains the process.

Blinken travels to Guatemala for regional migration conference

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken traveled to Guatemala on Tuesday for regional talks on migration. Officials discussed “enforcement, migration management and refugee integration,” the State Department said, two years after a group of 20 countries agreed on a framework of cooperation on migration issues. Reported by VOA’s immigration reporter Aline Barros and VOA’s Chris Hannas.

Pulitzer Prizes in journalism awarded to New York Times, Washington Post, AP and others

The 15 photos in AP's winning entry were taken across Latin America and along the U.S.-Mexico border in Texas and California in a year when immigration was one of the world's biggest stories.

Immigration around the world

Guam military buildup without additional border resources

Last year, Congress called for an investigation into 100 reported incidents of Chinese nationals attempting to enter U.S. military bases and other sensitive sites around the world. Officials on the island of Guam, which hosts some of the most strategically important U.S. bases in the Pacific, say they too are at risk and are asking for help in protecting their shores. VOA’s Jessica Stone reports.

Laotian workers, facing poor economic conditions, seek work elsewhere

Large numbers of Laotian workers, facing poor economic conditions, are seeking work in Thailand, South Korea and Japan, bringing Laos millions of dollars in repatriated salaries but exposing the workers to debt traps and human trafficking. VOA News reports.

News brief

Biden officials traveled Monday to Guatemala to “represent the United States Government at the third Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection Ministerial. Over the course of the last two years, the Los Angeles Declaration has provided a framework for its signatories throughout the Americas to take action on shared goals including strengthening border enforcement, expanding lawful pathways, and addressing the root causes of migration,” according to a statement from Homeland Security.