Watch it Again: Live Chat on Studying in the US

I had the great pleasure today to join VOA Learning English for a live video chat about studying in the U.S. A lot of you submitted questions in advance on Facebook, and we took some Skype calls during the chat as well.

It was a great time and we covered a lot of topics, including what it costs, how to get scholarships, what you have to do to get a visa, whether international students are allowed to work, and how to improve your English.

Watch it again here:

UPDATE: The video's now annotated to help you find the important parts and skip over the rest. Put your cursor over the thin blue lines to see what questions we discussed and navigate directly to what you want to hear.

I had a total "brain fart" (memory loss) on the question of what's considered a good TOEFL score. We actually discussed that in the blog post "What are Typical Application Deadlines and TOEFL Requirements?," so go there for the answer.

Did we answer your questions? What other questions do you have about studying in the U.S.?