WikiLeaks: Turkey Blocking Its Website After Document Dump

A supporter of WikiLeaks founder julian Assange holds a copy of The WikiLeaks Files outside the Ecuadorian embassy in central London, Britain Feb. 5, 2016.

The controversial anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks says Turkey has ordered a nationwide blocking of its website, after the group released some 300,000 emails hacked from the ruling party of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Details remained sketchy early Wednesday, and it was not immediately clear whether access to the material had yet been blocked.

WikiLeaks announced Monday it planned to release documents described as detailing Turkey's political power structure, just days after a failed military coup attempt that rattled the country and governments across much of the world.

In announcing its intent on Twitter to publish the material, WikiLeaks warned: "Get ready for a fight as we release 100k+ documents on #Turkey's political power structure."

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, an Australian national, sought asylum in London's Ecuadorian Embassy nearly four years ago to avoid arrest by British police seeking to serve an international arrest warrant. He remains ensconced in the facility.

Sweden wants him in connection with a rape investigation. Assange has denied any connection to the allegations.