The 25,000 to 30,000 species of bees, together with flies, moths, butterflies, wasps, and beetles, make up the majority of pollinating species. They face multiple threats to their survival, including habitat loss, agricultural pesticides, climate change, alien species competition and disease.
Pollinators Being Threatened

Bumble bees are in decline around the world due to agricultural pesticide use, disease, and human encroachments on their habitats. (Photo: Claire Carvell)

Across the temperate regions of the world, bumble bees are crucial pollinators of wild flowers, transferring pollen and helping to ensure genetically diverse plant populations. (Photo: Adam Vanbergen)

Honey bees, managed for honey production and crop pollination services, are threatened by parasites and fungal and viral pathogens, and by the effects of land-use intensification. (Photo: Eugene Ryabov)

Certain bumble bee species and some solitary bee species are increasingly being domesticated and managed by humans to provide pollination services for agricultural crops like apples or strawberries. (Photo: Claire Carvell)