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Zero Waste

((Banner: Zero Waste))
((Reporter: Nina Vishneva))
((Camera: Alexander Barash, Vladimir Badikov))
((Adapted by: Zdenko Novacki))
((Map: New York City, New York))

((Popup Banner: New York City is leading a campaign to
contribute zero waste to landfills by 2030))
((Nicole Grossberg, Co-Founder, Zero Waste NYC
Workshop Series))
Start with small things: changing over your water bottle to
reusable, then do maybe your coffee cup, then work on
weaning yourself off paper towels. And there’s different
ways, you know. Then maybe you want to start buying local
food and eating less meat. I mean, don't think that you have
to do everything at one time, to take one step at a time and
then it's not as insurmountable or scary.
((Molly Barverman, Director, Broadway Green Alliance))
This is our semi-annual textile drive. So, we run two a year.
We also run two e-waste drives, so electronic waste drives,
four drives a year. And this one, for this one we partner with
Wearable Collections to properly recycle all of the unwanted
textiles so that they don't wind up in the waste stream.
The goal is that 50 percent of it will be reused, so it will be
upcycled and worn again either here in the United States or
in other countries where it may be needed.
((Julie Raskin, Director, Foundation for New York’s
It's one of our zero waste workshops. It's part of a new
series that we're partnering with as you met Nicole and
Sandra who lead the New York City Zero Waste Meetup.
And it's basically a workshop for everyday New Yorkers to
come and learn how they can live a more, as we call it, zero
waste but a lifestyle in which they're throwing fewer things
into landfill and doing more recycling, composting and
actually being mindful of the products they purchase so that
they can purchase items that have a beneficial reuse.
((Joann Lee, Tourist))
Hi, people. I don't need my coat. Is this OK to leave it here
with you people? Thank you very much! I'm from Australia
and I've had the coat for too long. It's summer over there.
We're already swimming.
((Erica Sweany, Actress))
Everybody brings in all of the clothes that they’re not using
anymore, a lot of their partners' clothes, kids' clothes. And
we all trade and switch and people end up with new items
and then everything else gets donated.
((Molly Barverman, Director, Broadway Green Alliance))
We've had a huge number of people coming from all
different Broadway shows and from the neighborhood and
offices in the community to bring their textiles. So, we've
had people coming from Wicked, from Aladdin, from Harry
((Julie Raskin, Director, Foundation for New York’s
I think the more we bring the public into our work and the
more efficient it will be, the more kind of amicable that
relationship and just the larger strides we can make. You
know, the more people that participate in our compost and
recycling, that builds on itself. We can expand the program.
We can start to do kind of the next big thing.