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Finding Love during Coronavirus

((TRT: 03:08))
((Topic Banner: Pandemic Dating))
((Reporter/Camera/Editor: Lisa Vohra))
((Map: Dunn Loring, Virginia))
((Main Character: 1 male))
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
Before the pandemic, I would meet girls at coffee shops, bars,
etc., just a public place. After the pandemic, that all stopped. All of
sudden, it’s just a state of confusion and isolation, kind of blend in
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
Definitely took a toll because everybody was scared, and I was
kinda scared too, you know, just meeting people in general. But it
really affected my social life as well as just overall well-being.
Because everybody was so confused at the moment that you
don’t know what the next day was going to look like or the day
after that.
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
Dating took a toll just because everybody was scared to come out
and just meet. Instead of meeting in person, I was talking more
online, on the apps and so on, Bumble and Match and so forth.
So, it was good and bad in a way meaning that the good part was
getting to know and weeding out the girls that I had, topics in
common or interest in common, including this whole coronavirus,
where being safe is a huge concern.
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
But then, you know, a short while later, things started opening up
a little bit more and, you know, little bit of sense of social, just
being a social person, social life was coming back, but in tiny little
increments. So, I felt that, okay, this is a time where I can step out
once more but do it really carefully and once in a while. And really
meet the potentials that are on the same page.
((NATS: Dating Montage))
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
When I meet them in person, obviously the faces are covered. All
I would see is the eyes. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love eyes and
it tells a lot of personality, but I still want to see the rest of your
face. But I think a couple of minutes later, when we’re into the
date, you know, we’d be comfortable enough to take off our mask
and carry on the conversation. So, it worked out fine. It’s just a
little bit of readjustments you got to make just to be safe.
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
I’m still dating around, keeping my options open. Ultimately what I
would like, in the future, is, you know, a sense of connection. All
the little things I look for in a partner, that’s there, that should be
there. The person should be your best friend and ultimately a
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
The advice that I would give somebody that’s looking to date
during the pandemic, if you’re a little confused, if you’re skeptical,
if you’re like, ‘Well, I’ll just wait it out. I’ll wait out until the
pandemic is over.’ Well, good luck, because nobody knows when
it’s going to be over.
((Gavin Sethi, Global Business Developer, Virtuality
I think time is of the essence. There’s only so much time that’s in
everyone’s grasp. So, I’d say pandemic wise, just go for it.
Whether or not you meet in person or all the other technology
tools, you know, if you really do connect with somebody over the
phone or on text, I’d say just be safe, meet in person, keep the
distance, because if you don’t, then you don’t know what you're
going to miss out.