Daily Debunk
Claim: Britain has changed the law of consent relating to children and vaccination.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Reuters
Social Media Disinfo
Circulating on social media: Image allegedly showing a recent protest in France against COVID-19 mitigation measures.
Verdict: False
Read the full story at: Check Your Fact
Factual Reads on Coronavirus
Covid-19 kept families and caregivers out of hospitals. Some doctors think that shouldn’t happen again
[P]atients and many physicians say the more restrictive ongoing limits, like only allowing one visitor, are no longer justified and may actually be harming patients’ mental health and leading to worse outcomes.
-- Stat, July 20
Covid-19 global updates: Protests hit Athens and Paris over new coronavirus restrictions, vaccine mandates
Protests flared in France and Greece on Wednesday as residents angry over coronavirus curbs and vaccine mandates in both countries marched against new, stricter regulations that they say discriminate against people unwilling to be inoculated.
-- Washington Post (via MSN), July 15
Flu jab protects against some of the severe effects of COVID-19, including ICU admissions, sepsis and strokes
The flu vaccine may provide vital protection against COVID-19, new research being presented at the European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), held online this year, concludes.
-- Medicalxpress.com, July 12
Covid-19 has destroyed 22 million jobs in advanced countries, says OECD
Job retention schemes have saved some 21 million jobs, but rich countries face the threat of rising long-term unemployment rates.
-- CNBC, July 7
Implications of the second wave of COVID-19 in India
Understanding why the second wave has been more dangerous than the first could help to identify the potential areas of diagnostics to target with future control strategies.
-- The Lancet, June 30
How COVID-19 Could Lead to a Golden Age of Innovation
A comparison of the U.S. response to World War II and COVID-19 shows where we’ve gone wrong—and how to adjust course.
-- The Atlantic, June 28
Claim that Chinese team hid early SARS-CoV-2 sequences to stymie origin hunt sparks furor
The unreviewed paper, by evolutionary biologist Jesse Bloom of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, asserts that a team of Chinese researchers sampled viruses from some of the earliest COVID-19 patients in Wuhan, China, posted the viral sequences to a widely used U.S. database, and then a few months later had the genetic information removed to “obscure their existence.”
-- Science, June 23
UK scientist with links to Wuhan lab 'recuses himself' from inquiry into Covid origins
Dr Peter Daszak has left investigation into coronavirus emergence after concerns raised over links with Chinese laboratory.
-- Telegraph, June 22
The Best Coronavirus Myth-Busting Collections
COVID19 Infodemics Observatory
Reliable Coronavirus Information
U.S. Centers for Disease Control
Federation of American Scientists
Johns Hopkins University & Medicine