Once again we’ve scoured the internet to find upcoming free webinars and other events of interest to anyone who wants to study in the U.S. This week: plenty of events for future TOEFL-takers, grad students, and MBA hopefuls.
As always, if you attend any of these events, report back and let us know what you learned! (Use the comments, the Facebook page or just email me – jstahl@voanews.com). And please share any online events you’ve found that we haven’t.
January 20
Kaplan: Business School Why and Where to Go
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt est.com/enroll/ GMAT/online/eve nts
January 21
Kaplan: Application Metrics, Your MBA Scorecard
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt est.com/enroll/ GMAT/online/eve nts
January 22
IIE: Improving Your Listening on the TOEFL iBT
More details: http://toeflibt mexico.blogspot .com/2012/12/to efl-ibt-webinar s-for-january-2 013.html
Kaplan: Dos and Don'ts of Law School Admissions
7pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt est.com/enroll/ LSAT/online/eve nts
Kaplan: A GMAT Study Plan
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt est.com/enroll/ GMAT/online/eve nts
January 23
ETS: TOEFL Webinar
More details: http://www.fulb right.be/2012/j anuary-23-2013- toefl-webinar/
January 24
mbaMission: Choosing the Right Business School
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.manh attangmat.com/E ventShow.cfm?EI D=3&eventID=115 23
January 25
IIE: Improving Your Speaking on the TOEFL iBT
More details: http://toeflibt mexico.blogspot .com/2012/12/to efl-ibt-webinar s-for-january-2 013.html
Look into the future...
As always, if you attend any of these events, report back and let us know what you learned! (Use the comments, the Facebook page or just email me – jstahl@voanews.com). And please share any online events you’ve found that we haven’t.
January 20
Kaplan: Business School Why and Where to Go
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt
January 21
Kaplan: Application Metrics, Your MBA Scorecard
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt
January 22
IIE: Improving Your Listening on the TOEFL iBT
More details: http://toeflibt
Kaplan: Dos and Don'ts of Law School Admissions
7pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt
Kaplan: A GMAT Study Plan
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.kapt
January 23
ETS: TOEFL Webinar
More details: http://www.fulb
January 24
mbaMission: Choosing the Right Business School
9pm US eastern time
More details: http://www.manh
January 25
IIE: Improving Your Speaking on the TOEFL iBT
More details: http://toeflibt
Look into the future...