With Election Day rapidly approaching, Senator Kerry gave a speech to supporters in Orlando he said is a summary of his case about changing America.
Dropping his recent focus on negative headlines about the continuing conflict in Iraq, Mr. Kerry spoke about what he says will be a more positive future in America, if he is elected.
"In four days you can choose a president who will defend America and fight for the middle-class. If you give me the chance I will be that President who does both at the same time," said Mr. Kerry.
While Senator Kerry's remarks were generally positive in tone, he returned to familiar themes about why he believes voters should send him to the White House.
He argued that President Bush has mismanaged the war in Iraq, favors tax cuts for wealthy Americans, has overseen a struggling economy that has lost jobs in the last four years, and has watched the cost of health care skyrocket.
Mr. Kerry asked directly for people to bring their friends, family and neighbors to the polls to vote for him next Tuesday on Election Day.
"If you believe we need a fresh start in Iraq, if you believe we can create and keep good jobs that pay more here in America than the jobs we are losing overseas, if you believe we need to get health care costs under control and make it available to all Americans, if you believe in the promise of stem-cell research, if you believe our deficits are too high and we're too dependent on Mideast oil, then I ask you to join me and together we will change America," said Mr. kerry.
In the remaining days of the campaign the Democratic Party candidate is clearly reaching out to his own base of supporters and to the small number of voters who remain undecided.
Senator Kerry is spending his time in so-called battleground states where public opinion surveys show his race against President Bush is very close.
Here in Florida early voting is allowed and already more than one million people have gone to the polls, which analysts say is a reflection of the high interest in this campaign and in some cases the bitter memories of the disputed 2000 election.
Four years ago the state was thrown into turmoil when the vote was so close it took weeks of recounts and legal challenges before President Bush was named the winner.
Both sides have retained thousands of lawyers to watch over the election in Florida and throughout the country.
They are ready to react rapidly if there are any major problems at the polls.