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World Anti-Doping Agency Re-Elects Pound as Chairman


The World Anti-Doping Agency foundation board unanimously re-elected Canadian Dick Pound as the organization's chairman. He will serve another three years.

The board on Sunday also increased WADA's budget by $1.47 million to $21.7 million, the first increase in two years. The overall budget is jointly financed by the Olympic Movement and world governments.

The increase will primarily cover new responsibilities for WADA, including monitoring of compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code and implementation of a computer-based anti-doping management system. The board was also concerned with currency fluctuations which could have a negative effect on WADA's budget.

Pound says he is pleased with the budget boost for 2005, which he says will also help in crucial areas such as research and education.

Some information provided by AP.