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NBA: Bryant-Malone Feud Turns Personal


The feud between National Basketball Association stars Kobe Bryant and Karl Malone has turned personal, with Bryant accusing Malone of making a pass at his wife at a game.

The problems between the Los Angeles Lakers teammates started when Malone, who is recovering from knee surgery, became angry after Bryant said the Lakers had to "look over their shoulders" wondering when Malone would play again.

The feud intensified Sunday when Bryant claimed Malone had made a pass at his wife Vanessa. Vanessa told Kobe that Malone had made inappropriate comments to her on November 23 at a Lakers game in Los Angeles.

Malone did not comment, but his agent said Malone told him he never made a pass at Bryant's wife and had apologized to both of them for any remarks she might have considered inappropriate.

Malone also stated that he is a basketball player and not a soap opera actor, and that he does not intend to be involved in a personal soap opera.