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Bosnian Foreign Minister Steps Down After International Sanctions

Bosnia's Foreign Minister Mladen Ivanic has resigned two days after the United States and the top International mediator in Bosnia-Herzegovina imposed new sanctions against the country's Serb Republic.

Mr. Ivanic is chairman of the Serb Party of Democratic Progress, one of two Bosnian Serb political movements, whose leaders have been barred from entering the United States for undermining Balkan peace efforts. The other is the Serb Democratic Party, founded by indicted war crimes suspect Radovan Karadzic.

As the United States announced the measures, International mediator Paddy Ashdown fired six top Bosnian Serb police officers and three other government officials for failing to arrest war crimes suspects.

Mr. Ashdown acted under wide powers the international community granted him to insure compliance with the 1995 Dayton Peace accord that halted the Balkan conflict.

Bosnian Serb Prime Minister Dragan Mikerevic resigned Friday to protest the dismissals.

Some information for this report provided by AP, AFP.