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Nigerian Analyst Expects National Conference To Accomplish Much

Delegates at Nigeria’s national conference face a number of challenges. The first is recommending changes to the constitution. Nigeria’s last three constitutions were written by military rulers. Another major issue is the equitable distribution of the country’s oil revenues.

For an analysis of the national conference, English to Africa reporter Joe De Capua spoke with Dr. Chuks Osuji, the director of “Opinion Research and Communications Consultants” in Oweri in Imo State. Dr. Osuji says he expects much to be accomplished because there is a “bottled anger” in Nigeria from many years of military rule and oppression. He says that “bottled anger…must be” carefully and tactfully diffused.” Otherwise, he says, “It will explode.”

He says, “Nothing like this has happened in the annals of the Nigerian political process…never, never, never has there been a time when Nigerians collectively have been agitated like this.”

Dr. Osuji says, “There is abundant evidence of people’s resentment and frustration.” He says they are looking for the democratic government to give them economic equality and social recognition. Dr. Osuji says in the past, military rulers concentrated power and influence in the northern part of the country, marginalizing the south.