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Hondurans Vote in Presidential Election

Hondurans go to the polls Sunday to vote in a presidential election.

The two leading candidates have both promised to fight crime, but differ on how to do it.

Ruling National Party candidate Porfirio Lobo Sosa promises to reinstate the country's death penalty to deal with violent crime, while Liberal Party challenger Manuel Zelaya says he would push for putting violent criminals in prison for life.

Violent crime is a leading issue for Hondurans. The country has suffered a wave of crime attributed in large part to dangerous youth gangs.

Unemployment in Honduras is at least 30 percent and almost three quarters of its people live in poverty.

The winner of the presidential election will replace outgoing President Ricardo Maduro, who is barred by law from seeking another term. Voters will also choose 128 legislators as well as mayors for 289 municipalities

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.