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UN Relief Coordinator in Zimbabwe to Assess Humanitarian Crisis

The United Nations' emergency relief coordinator, Jan Egeland, has arrived in Zimbabwe to assess the country's humanitarian crisis.

Mr. Egeland is scheduled to meet with President Robert Mugabe and with Zimbabweans evicted from their homes when the government demolished urban slums in May and June.

Last week, Human Rights Watch accused U.N. officials of failing to protect the estimated 700,000 victims of the campaign, and not confronting the government.

The United Nations and Zimbabwe recently agreed to allow the world body to build emergency shelters for those still living without homes.

Mr. Egeland, who arrived late Saturday, also plans to meet with civil society leaders to discuss the best approach to tackling Zimbabwe's problems.

Mr. Mugabe last week accepted U.N. food aid for three million people, after rejecting earlier reports of shortages.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.