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Brazilian Prison Standoff Continues

Negotiations continue at a remote prison in Brazil, where inmates are holding 200 people hostage.

Prison authorities in the Amazonian state of Rondonia said Tuesday they have agreed to the prisoners' demand to return one of their leaders from another prison.

Edinildo Paula de Souza was transferred from the Urso Branco prison in the state capital of Porto Velho last week. He led a bloody five-day uprising at the prison in 2004 that left 14 inmates dead.

The current standoff began Sunday when inmates seized hostages at knifepoint. Officials say the captives are all relatives of the inmates.

Authorities have cut off water and electricity supplies and are withholding food from the rioters at Urso Branco, a facility that was built to house 350 inmates, but currently holds at least 950.

Some information for this report provided by AP and Reuters.