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Yemen Tribesmen Seize 5 Italian Tourists, Release 3

Security officials in Yemen say tribal kidnappers have released three women who were among five Italian tourists seized earlier Sunday.

They say negotiations are under way to gain release of the remaining two foreigners, both men.

The Italians were seized in Sirwa, about 170 kilometers east of Yemen's capital, Sanaa.

On Saturday, tribesmen in another part of eastern Yemen released a five-member family of Germans held for three days. Those kidnappers wanted Yemen's government to release tribe members held on criminal charges. It is unclear whether the demand was met.

Yemeni tribesmen often use kidnappings to try to force concessions from the government. The hostages are usually released unharmed, but four were killed during a botched rescue attempt in 1998.

Some information for this report provided by AFP and Reuters.