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Suicide Bomb Attack in Afghanistan Kills 2 Afghans, Canadian


A suicide bomb attack on a convoy of Canadian troops in southern Afghanistan has killed three civilians, including a Canadian official.

Hospital sources in Kandahar city say another 12 people, including three Canadian soldiers, were wounded in Sunday's blast. Witnesses say the bomber slammed his explosive-laden vehicle into the convoy.

Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin confirmed the Canadian casualties during an election campaign appearance in Quebec. He offered condolences to the victim's family, and described Canada's presence in Afghanistan as essential to establishing peace and security there.

A purported spokesman for the Taleban claimed responsibility for the attack.

The Taleban has also claimed responsibility for Saturday's killing in Kandahar of a former Taleban intelligence chief who renounced the group after it was ousted from power by U.S.-led forces in 2001.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.