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Top US Diplomat Discusses Nuclear Deal With India


U.S. Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns is holding talks with top Indian officials in New Delhi, focusing on a landmark deal to share civilian nuclear technology.

Burns, who arrived in India Wednesday, said he also expected to discuss the Iranian nuclear issue. Ties between India and Iran have been traditionally strong.

Under the U.S.-Indian deal, the United States will share civilian nuclear technology with India and allow the supply of nuclear fuel to New Delhi. In return, India is to separate its civilian and military nuclear programs and allow international inspection of its atomic facilities.

The accord marked a major policy shift for the United States, which imposed sanctions on India in 1998, after it conducted nuclear tests.

Critics say the deal, which must be approved by the U.S. Congress as well as the 44-nation Nuclear Supplier Group, would allow India to divert material to its weapons program.

Some U.S. lawmakers also are skeptical of the deal and are seeking more details.

Some information for this report provided by Reuters, AP, Reuters.