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Trial of Enron's Former Top Executives Begins


Jury selection got underway Monday in the trial of former Enron executives Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling.

The judge is questioning 100 potential jurors in the process of picking a 12 member jury to hear the case.

The men face numerous charges growing out of collapse of the once-giant energy trading firm in 2001.

Prosecutors in Houston, Texas accuse Lay and Skilling of fraud, conspiracy, and insider trading - essentially telling elaborate lies about the company's financial health intended to fool investors.

The defendants say they are innocent.

Enron filed for bankruptcy after revelations of billions of dollars in hidden debt and misleading financial reports.

Thousands of workers lost jobs and saw their company retirement accounts wiped out.

(prev, AFP, AP, Reu, Flakus CR 2-330079)

