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Vice President Cheney Says Administration Has Authority to Wiretap


Vice President Dick Cheney says the Bush administration has all the legal authority it needs to wiretap phone calls and e-mails between U.S. citizens and persons abroad suspected of links to terrorism.

Cheney was asked on a national U.S. television show PBS Newshour Tuesday if the president would be willing to work with Congress to settle some of the disputes about the legality of the secret surveillance program. He expressed concern that the legislative process could lead to the disclosure of sensitive operational matters.

Meanwhile, a Republican member of Congress has called for a full congressional investigation into the wiretapping program.

Congresswoman Heather Wilson - chairwoman of a House Intelligence Subcommittee - told The New York Times she has "serious concerns" about the program.

On Monday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales faced tough questions on the program from several members of a Senate panel.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP and AP.