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German Police Official Implicated in CIA Jail Charges


A German man, allegedly held in a U.S. secret prison in Afghanistan, says he has identified a German police official who visited him there.

Khalid al-Masri, a German citizen of Lebanese descent, has said he was seized by CIA agents in Macedonia in 2003 and taken to Afghanistan, where he was interrogated as a terrorism suspect.

Masri has filed suit against the CIA for wrongful imprisonment, and German prosecutors are probing whether German officials had knowledge of his arrest.

Prosecutors said Tuesday that Masri was "90 percent" certain that a man in a police line-up was the official who visited him in prison. However, they said they were concerned that Masri was not absolutely certain.

German officials have denied any knowledge of the case until Masri was released in Albania.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.