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Ugandan Government Dismisses Charges Election Results Are Illegitimate


The Ugandan government has dismissed the opposition claims that last week’s elections results are illegitimate. Yesterday, President Yoweri Museveni warned the Forum for Democratic Change (FDC) not to challenge the results. He says any attempt to take to the streets in protest against the election results will be met with force.

Nsaba Buturo is Uganda’s minister of information. He talked with English to Africa reporter James Butty about the FDC claims that the elections results are illegitimate. “This is sour grapes, and the president of Uganda has just appealed to all the members of Forum for Democratic Change to accept the results. We had a team of observers from the African Union, European Union, the Commonwealth, the East African Community and many, many others who have concluded that the results were free and fair.”

Buturo says President Museveni intends to reach out to the FDC. “I think what we’re going to do is to continue on the path we’ve already started, which is to work for the unity of Uganda, and reminding every Ugandan that the task of nation building is not a monopoly of President Museveni and the NRM (National Resistance Movement). It is for every Ugandan. There are some positive developments in the programs of the opposition. Government would be very keen to work with them to ensure that those programs are adopted.”