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UN Food Agency: More Aid Needed or Kenyans Will Die

The United Nations food agency says it will run out of food for millions of hungry Kenyans unless donors immediately provide more aid.

The World Food Program says it has enough cereals to last until April, but will run out of other badly needed food items by the end of this month.

WFP officials said Saturday more aid must come within the next 10 days or the consequences will be catastrophic. A spokesman (Peter Smerdon) says the WFP has received just $28 million of the $225 million needed for the Kenya program.

Kenyans have been dying of food shortages due to drought, and three-and-a-half million more people are on the brink of starvation.

At least 11 million people are facing starvation across East Africa.

Some information for this report provided by AP and AFP.