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Protests Mark Iraq War Anniversary

Thousands of anti-war protesters have marched in London joining protests in Japan, Australia and elsewhere in the world ahead of the third anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

In London, thousands gathered in a square in the city's center Saturday, chanting anti-war slogans. Some carried posters called President Bush the "world's number one terrorist." Others posters called for the ouster of British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

Britain has the second largest contingent of troops in Iraq behind the United States.

Organizers say demonstrations over the next three days are part of what they call "global days of action" protesting the war.

Protests were also reported in South Korea, Pakistan, Turkey and Greece. Organizers say they expect more than 200 protests worldwide today.

The war in Iraq began March 19, 2003.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.