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20 Iraqis Kidnapped in Several Attacks


Gunmen in Iraq abducted at least 20 Iraqis in several attacks Tuesday.

In Baghdad, a group of gunmen kidnapped six people from an electronics store and stole more than $50,000. In a separate attack in Baghdad, three other people were abducted from an electronics store.

The mass kidnappings are the latest in a wave across Iraq. On Monday, 16 employees of a trading company were taken in Baghdad.

In other violence Tuesday, a roadside bomb killed an Iraqi in the northern city of Kirkuk. South of Baghdad, in Iskandariyah, 11 policemen and a civilian were wounded when police stopped a suicide bomber from attacking their station.

The kidnappings and attacks come as Iraq's Shi'ite politicians suspended talks on forming a new government following Sunday's joint U.S.-Iraqi military operation in Baghdad that killed at least 16 people.

Iraqi President Jalal Talabani, a Kurd, called for an investigation into the incident.

Shi'ite leaders say the operation targeted a mosque and the victims were innocent worshippers. But a U.S. military officer, Lieutenant General Peter Chiarelli, said Iraqi forces taking part in the operation told Americans the building was not a mosque and that someone had altered the scene after the raid.

Coalition officials say Iraqi special forces, acting with U.S. advisors, killed and detained insurgents and freed an Iraqi who had been taken hostage.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.