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Insurgent Attacks Kill 11 Iraqis, 3 US Soldiers

Insurgent attacks across Iraq killed at least 11 Iraqis and three U.S. soldiers Sunday.

In the deadliest incident, a rocket attack in central Baghdad killed seven Iraqi civilians. Police also found the bodies of six men, bound and shot in the head, in a Sunni neighborhood of the capital.

A roadside bomb south of the capital killed a child and an adult. North of Baghdad, a roadside bomb killed three American soldiers. And in Kirkuk, gunmen killed an Iraqi contractor.

The attacks come one day after Jawad al-Maliki was designated prime minister, ending a four-month deadlock over the post. He now has one month to present his cabinet to parliament for approval.

President Bush hailed his appointment as a historic achievement for the country.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.