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Non-Profit WTC Memorial Fundraising Group Suspends Efforts

The non-profit organization raising funds for the planned World Trade Center memorial has suspended its efforts, citing the costs and flaws in the design of the memorial.

A foundation board member says the group will soon present suggestions to change the design and cut costs, while staying true to the original design. The memorial to victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks is to be built where the twin towers once stood.

A spokesperson for New York Governor George Pataki called on the foundation to focus its efforts on fundraising.

An estimate from the contractor last week placed the cost of the memorial at $972 million. Officials in New York and New Jersey want to limit construction costs to $500 million.

The design of the memorial, which includes two sunken pools, is under scrutiny from critics who question its security measures.

The foundation has raised more than $130 million from private donors.