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Saddam's Trial Set to Resume Tuesday

The trial of former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and seven co-defendants for crimes against humanity is set to resume Tuesday in Baghdad.

Prosecutors have presented witnesses and documentary evidence linking the defendants to the 1982 murder of 148 Shi'ites from the village of Dujail.

In proceedings Monday, Saddam refused to enter a plea after hearing the formal list of charges against him.

Saddam said he could not enter a plea because the list of charges was so long. The judge then entered a plea of not guilty and dismissed Saddam's defiant statement that he was still president of Iraq.

Meanwhile, in violence Monday, four Iraqi teachers were killed in drive-by shootings near Balad Ruz.

The U.S. military says its forces conducted several raids Saturday and Sunday, killing 41 insurgents, including an al-Qaida operative. A separate statement says the Central Criminal Court of Iraq convicted 14 security detainees earlier this month for crimes including joining insurgent groups.

The U.S. military also says the multinational force in Iraq released 151 male detainees from coalition-run internment facilities.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.