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Juventus Manager to Testify in Match Fixing, Illegal Betting Trial


Italian prosecutors are set to question the general manager of Juventus - one of the world's best-known soccer teams - as part of investigations into a widening soccer scandal in Italy. Moggi resigned last week.

Former Juventus General Manager Luciano Moggi is at the center of a widening soccer scandal in Italy, which involves investigations into alleged match-fixing and illegal betting. The official and the entire board of Juventus resigned, last week.

Moggi faces Italian prosecutors for questioning Monday, in Rome. He is accused of influencing referee appointments and of being the main protagonist of a criminal association aimed at ensuring the success of Juventus.

Speaking Sunday, Moggi said soccer was no longer his world. He says he will spend his time defending what he calls "these nasty charges."

His comments were the first since the scandal broke after intercepted telephone conversations were reported to reveal how he discussed specific refereeing appointments with senior football federation officials.

In other phone taps, he is said to have bragged about locking a referee in the changing room after a game in which the official awarded a penalty against Juventus.

An emotional Moggi begged reporters not to ask him any more questions. He says his "soul has been killed" by the accusations.

The content of the telephone taps overshadowed Juventus 29th title win, Sunday. It was a bitter victory for Juventus fans. They had little to celebrate.

Fans are shocked by the scandal and are only too aware that their team may be demoted and stripped of the last two titles. Juventus fans say they feel humiliated because the charges are very serious.

He says Juventus fans do not deserve the scandal.

Fans say this is the worst moment in the more than 100 years of Juventus. They say that, if the allegations prove to be true, those responsible must pay.