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US Military Report Reveals Unauthorized Treatment of Iraqi Detainees


A U.S. military report says U.S. Special Operation forces subjected some detainees in Iraqi to harsh and unauthorized treatment.

The investigation, which detailed incidents in early 2004, found some detainees were held for days in cells so small they were unable to lie down or stand.

They were also subjected to loud music to prevent them from communicating or sleeping. Some detainees were fed only bread and water, including one who was given that diet for 17 days. At least one detainee was kept naked.

The Pentagon released the report Friday to the American Civil Liberties Union, which requested it under the Freedom of Information Act.

The report, dated November 2004, said the soldiers violated the spirit of the Geneva Conventions, which govern the treatment of prisoners of war.

The actions were considered wrong but not illegal, and no one was recommended for disciplinary action. The investigation faulted "inadequate policy" guidance for the mistreatment.

Corrective measures, including better training of personnel and new standards for detention centers, were recommended.

The investigation, conducted by Army Brigadier General Richard Fromica, was ordered shortly after detainee abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison first surfaced.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and Reuters.