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Filipino Woman Attacks US Marine Accused of Raping Her


A Filipino woman attacked a U.S. Marine she has accused of rape as she prepared to testify Monday in a Manila court.

The 22-year-old woman attacked Lance-Corporal Daniel Smith with her fists as he sat with three other Marines. The judge censured both sides before the proceedings continued.

The woman says Smith raped her in a van outside a bar last November in the former U.S. naval base of Subic Bay, north of Manila.

The woman has testified that she had been drinking in the bar and was later forced outside and into a van where she says Smith got on top of her and kissed her against her will.

Defense lawyers say Smith had consensual sex with the woman.

Three other Marines have been charged in the case for allegedly cheering Smith on.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.