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Rival Palestinian Factions Fight in Gaza, Ramallah


Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh have appealed for an end to the fighting between Hamas militiamen and the president's Fatah faction.

At least eight people were killed and scores more wounded in the fighting which broke out Sunday in the Gaza Strip and Ramallah.

The clashes were triggered when Hamas security forces tried to stop protests by policemen demanding the payment of overdue salaries from the Hamas-led government.

Demonstrators set fire to the Palestinian cabinet building in Ramallah. Members of the armed wing of the President's Fatah faction kidnapped a Hamas minister.

In a televised speech, President Abbas called on Fatah and Hamas forces to end the conflict and return to their positions.

The Interior Ministry responded by ordering Hamas-led security forces to redeploy to positions held before the confrontation.

Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.