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Sudanese Government, Eastern Rebels Set to Sign Agreement


The Sudanese government and a rebel group operating in the country's east are set to sign a peace agreement to end their fighting.

Representatives of the Eastern Front rebel group and the Sudanese government are meeting in the Eritrean capital Asmara to complete the final details of the deal.

An adviser to Sudan's ministry of information, Rabie Abdul Atti, describes to VOA some of the issues that remain.

"The agreement between the government and the Eastern Front side [is] addressing upon so many protocols: the protocol of power distribution, and wealth distribution, and also a protocol for security arrangements," Atti said.

Atti says the agreement also discusses ways Sudan and Eritrea can improve their relations.

Forces from the Sudanese government and Eastern Front rebel movement have been fighting for more than a year in eastern Sudan.

The two sides signed a ceasefire agreement on June 19.

Several rebel groups formed the Eastern Front last year to demand more autonomy and a greater share of the revenues from the country's oil, gold, and other resources.

Their demands are similar to those of the rebels who fought in southern Sudan and have since signed a power and wealth-sharing agreement with Khartoum.

Information ministry adviser Atti notes that his government has already signed agreements with rebel groups in southern Sudan and Darfur, and says he has high hopes that with this agreement, armed conflicts will stop in Sudan.