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UN Envoy Urges Zimbabwe To Ensure Food Security For Economic Growth


Outgoing World Food Program Chief Executive James Morris, in Harare Monday for a visit to be his last as head of the U.N. agency, told President Robert Mugabe that food security is essential if the country is to pull out of its six-year economic recession.

"We talked about issues of food security and how important that is to a country's ability to sustain itself and to be economically strong," Reuters quoted Morris as saying.

Morris told reporters his discussions with the president were “cordial,” according to the Reuters news agency. More details should be forthcoming from Morris Tuesday, when he is to hold a news conference in Johannesburg on food issues in Southern Africa.

In Harare, Morris also met with Labor and Social Welfare Minister Nicholas Goche, the health minister, Dr. David Parirentywa, and leaders of civil society organizations.

Advocacy and communications officer Fambai Ngirande of the National Association of Non-Governmental Organizations told reporter Patience Rusere of VOA's Studio 7 for Zimbabwe that Morris informed civic activists that he will be sending a report on the situation in Zimbabwe to U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan.

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